Setup with Gradle
This quickstart shows you how to setup a new Citrus project with Gradle. After that you will be able to get Citrus tests running within minutes. You can find the project sources on GitHub citrus-samples/sample-gradle.
You need following software on your computer, in order to use the Citrus Framework:
Java 17+ Installed JDK plus JAVA_HOME environment variable set up and pointing to your Java installation directory. Used to compile and build the Citrus code.
Gradle 2.13+ Citrus tests will be executed with the Gradle build tool.
Java IDE (optional) A Java IDE will help you to manage your Citrus project (e.g. creating and executing test cases). You can use the Java IDE that you like best like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA.
Citrus uses Maven internally for building software. But of course you can also integrate the Citrus tests in a Gradle project. Since Citrus tests are nothing but normal JUnit or TestNG tests, integration into your Gradle build is very easy.
Gradle project
First, we create a new Java project called citrus-sample. There are multiple ways to get started with a Gradle project. I personally prefer to use my Java IDE (IntelliJ) for generating a basic Gradle project setup. Of course there are lots of Gradle project start samples out there. And summing up the Gradle project structure is pretts simple so you could also create this manually. Here is the basic project structure that we are going to use in this quickstart.
| + src
| | + main
| | | + java
| | | + resources
| | + test
| | | + java
| | | + resources
The Gradle build configuration is done in the build.gradle and settings.gradle files. Here we define the project name and the project version. = 'citrus-sample-gradle'
group 'org.citrusframework.samples'
version '4.5.2'
Now, since Citrus libraries are available on Maven central repository, we add these repositories so Gradle knows how to download the required Citrus artifacts.
repositories {
Now lets move on with adding the Citrus libraries to the project.
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'org.citrusframework', name: 'citrus-base', version: '4.5.2'
testCompile group: 'org.citrusframework', name: 'citrus-jms', version: '4.5.2'
testCompile group: 'org.citrusframework', name: 'citrus-http', version: '4.5.2'
testCompile group: 'org.testng', name: 'testng', version: '${testng.version}'
This enables the Citrus support for the project, so we can use the Citrus classes and APIs. We decided to use TestNG unit test library.
test {
Warning: This tutorial uses the TestNG unit test library. If you want to use JUnit, you will have to remove the above lines from your build.gradle file.
Of course JUnit is also supported. This is all for build configuration settings. We can move on to writing some Citrus integration tests. The Java test classes usually go to the src/test/java directory.
Lets write a simple Citrus test case in Java and save it to the src/test/java folder in package org.citrusframework.samples.
import org.citrusframework.annotations.CitrusTest;
import org.citrusframework.dsl.testng.TestNGCitrusTestDesigner;
import org.citrusframework.message.MessageType;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
@ContextConfiguration(classes = { EndpointConfig.class })
public class MessagingTest extends TestNGCitrusTestDesigner {
private ChannelEndpoint testChannelEndpoint;
public void testMessaging() {
echo("Test simple message send and receive");
.payload("Hello Citrus!");
.payload("Hello Citrus!");
echo("Successful send and receive");
This sample uses pure Java code for both Citrus configuration and tests. The Citrus TestNG test uses a context configuration annotation.
@ContextConfiguration(classes = { EndpointConfig.class })
This tells Spring to load the configuration from the Java class EndpointConfig.
public class EndpointConfig {
public ChannelEndpoint testChannelEndpoint() {
ChannelEndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration = new ChannelEndpointConfiguration();
return new ChannelEndpoint(endpointConfiguration);
private MessageChannel testChannel() {
return new MessageSelectingQueueChannel();
In the configuration class we are able to define Citrus components for usage in tests. As usual we can autowire the endpoint components as Spring beans in the test cases.
private ChannelEndpoint testChannelEndpoint;
The sample application uses Gradle as build tool. So you can use the Gradle wrapper to compile, package and test the sample with Gradle build.
gradlew clean build
This executes all Citrus test cases during the build and you will see Citrus performing some integration test logging output. After the tests are finished build is successful and you are ready to go for writing some tests on your own.
If you just want to execute all tests you can call
gradlew clean check
Of course, you can also start the Citrus tests from your favorite IDE. Just start the Citrus test using the Gradle integration in IntelliJ, Eclipse or Netbeans.
So now you are ready to use Citrus! Write test cases and add more logic to the test project. Have fun with it!