Maven remote plugin

The Citrus Maven Remote plugin can be used for packaging all Citrus tests into a test-server and for accessing this test-server via a remote API call. At present the following remote API calls are supported:

  • Execute the citrus-integration tests.
  • Poll the test-server, checking whether the test execution has completed.

This provides an alternative means of executing tests to the usual surefire and failsafe maven plugins that execute the tests locally within the scope of the maven build. The main benefit of using this approach however is that the Citrus tests can be built and run inside of a docker container. This makes it easier to execute the tests and mock the endpoints used by the system under test that may otherwise not be possible in certain containerized environments.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

Library Version
Maven 3.3
JDK  1.8
Memory No minimum requirement.
Disk Space No minimum requirement.


You should specify the version in your project’s plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->


Goal Description
citrus-remote:test-jar Assembles an executable JAR file containing the test-server and all test cases.
citrus-remote:test-war Assembles a WAR file that contains all test cases that can be deployed in any servlet container.
citrus-remote:test Triggers the execution of the test cases on the remote test-server
citrus-remote:verify Checks the results of the test execution on the remote test-server, waiting if necessary for the completion of the test execution.
citrus-remote:help Display help information on citrus-remote-maven-plugin. To display parameter details call: mvn citrus-remote:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>


Full name



Packages all integration tests into a JAR file that can be executed.

After creation the JAR file, which contains a test-server, can be started manually using: java -jar <jar-file>


Name Type Description
finalName String The prefix used for the executable jar filename. The format used is <finalName>-citrus-tests.jar. Default value is: ${}.
mainClass String The class that is executed when the jar file is run. Default value is: org.citrusframework.remote.CitrusRemoteServer
skip Boolean Skip the creation of the executable JAR file. Default value is: false. Can also be set using ${citrus.remote.plugin.skip}
skipTestJar Boolean Skip the creation of the executable JAR file. Default value is: false. Can also be set using ${citrus.skip.test.jar}
testJar Embedded The test jar configuration. Refer to the Test JAR configuration for details.
assembly Embedded The assembly configuration. Refer to the Assembly configuration for details.


Full name



Packages all integration tests into a WAR file.

After creation the WAR file can be deployed in any standard servlet container.


Name Type Description
finalName String The prefix used for the WAR filename. The format used is <finalName>-citrus-tests.war. Default value is: ${}.
skip Boolean Skip the creation of the WAR file. Default value is: false. Can also be set using ${citrus.remote.plugin.skip}
skipTestWar Boolean Skip the creation of the war file. Default value is: false. Can also be set using ${citrus.skip.test.war}
testJar Embedded The test jar configuration. Refer to the Test JAR configuration for details.
assembly Embedded The assembly configuration. Refer to the Assembly configuration for details.


Full name



Triggers the execution of the citrus test by performing a remote API call to the test-server.


Name Type Description
report Embedded The report configuration. Refer to the Report configuration for details.
run String The run configuration. Refer to the Run configuration for details.
server String The server configuration. Refer to the Server configuration for details.
skip Boolean Skip the creation of the executable jar file. Default value is: false. Can also be set using ${citrus.remote.plugin.skip}
skipRun Boolean Skip the running of the tests. Default value is: false. Can also be set using ${citrus.remote.skip.test}
timeout Integer Http connect timeout in milliseconds. Default value is: 60000. Can also be set using ${citrus.remote.plugin.timeout}


Full name



Checks the results of the test-execution. If any tests fail then verify MOJO will fail causing the maven build to fail.


Name Type Description
failIfNoTests Boolean Fail build if not tests were executed. Default value is: true. Can also be set using ${citrus.remote.failIfNoTests}
report Embedded The report configuration. Refer to the Report configuration for details.
skip Boolean Skip the creation of the executable jar file. Default value is: false. Can also be set using ${citrus.remote.plugin.skip}

Assembly configuration

The citrus-remote-maven-plugin provides out of the box assembly descriptors for building the war and executable-jar files.

default executable-jar assembly:

<assembly xmlns=""

default war-assembly:

<assembly xmlns=""

You can overwrite the defaults by configuring your own assembly. For details on how to create an assembly refer to the maven-assembly-plugin. To overwrite the default use one of the following approaches:

Assembly configuration using a file


Assembly configuration using a reference


and then make sure to add the my-assembly.xml file under my-assembly-descriptor

+-- src
|   `-- main
|       `-- resources
|           `-- assemblies
|               `-- myassembly.xml 

Assembly configuration using an inline assembly


Server configuration

The remote-maven-plugin uses a remote API call to trigger the test execution or to verify the results. The url of the test-server can be configured as shown below:


Report configuration

Report configuration such as output directory and file names.

The default configuration can be overwritten as shown below:

Name Type Description
directory String The report directory. Default value is: citrus-reports. Can also be set using ${}
summaryFile String The summary file name. Default value is: citrus-summary.xml. Can also be set using ${}
htmlReport Boolean Enable/disable HTML report generation. Default value is: true. Can also be set using ${}
saveReportFiles Boolean Get reporting files from server and save them in report output directory. Default value is: true. Can also be set using ${}

Run configuration

Run configuration for test execution on remote server.

This can be configured as shown below:

Name Type Description
classes String A list of citrus test classes to be executed
packages String A list of packages to use to locate the tests to be executed
includes String A list of patterns for locating tests to be executed
async Boolean If true the test execution does not wait for all tests to complete before returning. Default value is: false (wait for tests to complete). Can also be set using ${}
pollingInterval Integer The polling interval in milliseconds when checking for test execution completion. This is required when the tests are executed asynchronously (async=true). Default value is: 10000. Can also be set using ${}
systemProperties String The list of systemProperties to set when starting the test execution.

Test JAR configuration

The testJar configuration can be used for configuring which tests should be included in or excluded from the assembled JAR or WAR file. The default configuration:

  • includes all tests
  • uses the classifier tests as a suffix in the JAR or WAR filename (e.g. integration-citrus-tests.war)

The default configuration can be overwritten as shown below:


The files to be included or excluded can be specified as fileset patterns which are relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the test JAR.