Custom functions
This tutorial tries to explain how to write and include your own functions in Citrus. First of all let us keep in mind what functions do. Functions can ease up your life when working with dynamic values and test variables. For instance if you need the current date in a test case you may use the Citrus function currentDate() in your test case.
<variable name="date" value="citrus:currentDate()"/>
<variable name="dateCustomFormat" value="citrus:currentDate('yyyy-mm-dd')"/>
Citrus offers a lot of functions to be used out of the box (function prefix: citrus). See the reference documentation for a detailed function overview. However you might need to write your own functions in order to implement a specific logic in your test. We will deal with an id generating function in this tutorial. Maybe your project needs special identifiers in a special format and you are tired of statically defining the ids in all your tests. Therefore a function shall generate the id strings in the special format:
So the generated identifiers must have a static prefix “Lx0x” and a static ending “xM”. In between there is a number of 9 digits that should be randomly generated. The function should be accessible from every test case with the function name “generateId”. No function parameters are needed so far. So much for the requirements. No let us start implementing this function in Java.
All functions in Citrus need to implement the common function interface:
public interface Function {
public String execute(List<String> parameterList, TestContext context);
The function interface defines an execute method that will return a String value. Lets see how we can implement our id generating function.
package com.mycompany.citrus.extension.functions;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.citrusframework.context.TestContext;
import org.citrusframework.exceptions.CitrusRuntimeException;
import org.citrusframework.functions.core.RandomNumberFunction;
public class IdGeneratingFunction implements Function {
public String execute(List<String> parameterList, TestContext context) {
StringBuffer idBuffer = new StringBuffer();
idBuffer.append(new RandomNumberFunction().execute(Collections.singletonList("9")));
return idBuffer.toString();
Our function implementation is very simple. We use a StringBuffer to build the resulting identifyer string with its static prefix (“Lx0x”) and suffix (“xM”). For the generated random number of 9 digits we use the existing random number function of Citrus. The function receives the number length of 9 as a singelton parameter list and will do all the number generating work for us.
That’s it! We return the identifyer string as a result of our function and we are done!
Now we need to publish the function to Citrus so that test cases can call the function. Every function in Citrus belongs to a function library. The library holds one or more functions and provides the prefix to identify the functions inside the test case. Let us define a custom function library in the Spring configuration to see how it is done:
<citrus:function-library id="myCustomFunctionLibrary" prefix="mcfl:">
<citrus:function name="generateId" class="com.mycompany.citrus.extension.functions.IdGeneratingFunction"/>
Once you have placed the function library into the Spring configuration Citrus is ready to use it inside the test cases. The library defines a custom function prefix (in our example “mcfl” for “my custom function library”). Usually this prefix would reflect the name of your project or your companies name. The library holds one or more functions as members in a simple map. Every function needs to have a name and the implementing Java object. Here we use our previously coded IdGeneratingFunction in the package “com.mycompany.citrus.extension.functions”.
Inside a test case we have to use the function prefix as well as the defined function name to access the new function:
<variable name="correlationId" value="mcfl:generateId()"/>
Now you can add as many functions as you want to the new function library. You can extend Citrus with own functionalities fitting the special needs of your project. In the following we will add another function that will use parameters.
Writing functions with parameters
The common function interface says that a function gets a list of parameters while executing. This parameters are automatically converted into a Java list implementation so you can easily handle the parameters passed to your function.
Let us implement another function called “greeting”. The function will return a greeting phrase when executed. The function looks for a parameter specifying the language. Let us see the detailed implementation:
public class GreetingFunction implements Function {
public String execute(List<String> parameterList, TestContext context) {
if(parameterList.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidFunctionUsageException("Function parameters must not be empty. Specify language as parameter (US, GERMAN, SPANISH)!");
if(parameterList.size() > 1) {
throw new InvalidFunctionUsageException("Function does not support multiple parameters");
String language = parameterList.get(0).toUpperCase();
if(language.equals("US")) {
return "Welcome";
} else if(language.equals("GERMAN")) {
return "Willkommen";
} else if(language.equals("SPANISH")) {
return "Bienvenido";
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported language: '" + language + "'");
The function is again very simple. After the parameter list is checked for possible usage errors the function returns the correct greeting phrase according to the passed language. I bet fantastic function was just missing in your project, right? However lets add it to the function library and use it in our test. This time we use a Spring bean reference when including the new function in our library:
<citrus:function-library id="myCustomFunctionLibrary" prefix="mcfl:">
<citrus:function name="generateId" class="com.mycompany.citrus.extension.functions.IdGeneratingFunction"/>
<citrus:function name="greeting" ref="greetingFunction"/>
<bean id="greetingFunction" class="com.mycompany.citrus.extension.functions.GreetingFunction"/>
Another member entry for the function library and the function is ready for usage in our test cases:
<testcase name="greetingTest">
<variable name="user" value="Mickey Mouse"/>
<message>mcfl:greeting('GERMAN') ${user}!</message>
<message>mcfl:greeting('US') ${user}!</message>
<message>mcfl:greeting('SPANISH') ${user}!</message>
Note that functions can be used wherever you use variables. Inside echo messages for example as shown in our test example. Citrus will parse the function string and execute the function with the respective parameter list.
The output of the test proves that the function is working as expected:
echo Willkommen MickeyMouse!
echo Welcome MickeyMouse!
echo Bienvenido MickeyMouse!
That’s it for the writing functions tutorial. I think it is quite easy to include own logic into a test case using custom function implementations. We are glad to here about your functions and maybe we can include your function into the Citrus function library so all Citrus users can take the benefit.