Changes in Citrus 2.5?!

We have added lots of new features and improvements with Citrus 2.5. Namely these are the new modules for RMI and JMX support, a new x-www-form-urlencoded message validator and new functions anc test actions. Just have a look at the following features that made it to the box.

Hamcrest matcher support

Hamcrest is a very powerful matcher library that provides a fantastic set of matcher implementations for message validation purpose. Citrus now supports these matchers coming from Hamcrest library. On the one hand you can use Hamcrest matchers as a Citrus validation matcher as described invalidation-matcher-hamcrest. On the other hand you can use Hamcrest matchers now directly using the Citrus Java DSL. See details for this feature injson-path-validate.

Binary base64 message validator

There is a new message validator implementation that automatically converts binary message content to a base64 encoded String representation for comparison. This is the easiest way to compare binary message content with an expected message payload. Seevalidation-binaryhow this is working for you.

RMI support

Remote method invocation is a standard Java technology and API for calling methods on remote objects across different JVM instances. Although RMI has lost its popularity it is still used in legacy components. Testing RMI bean invocation is a hard thing to do. Now Citrus provides client and server support for remote interface invocation. See rmi for details.

JMX support

Similar to RMI JMX can be used to connect to remote bean invocation. This time we expose some beans to a managed bean server in order to be managed by JMX operations for read and write. With Citrus 2.5 we have added a client and server support for calling and providing managed beans on a mbean server. See jmx for details.

Resource injection

With 2.5 we have added mechanisms for injecting Citrus components to your Java DSL test methods. This is very useful when needing access to the Citrus test context for instance. Also we are able to use new injection of test designer and runner instances in order to support parallel test execution with multiple threads. See the explanations intestcase-resource-injectionandtestcase-context-injection.

Http x-www-form-urlencoded message validator

HTML form data can be transmitted with different methods and content types. One of the most common ways is to use x-www-form-urlencoded form data content. As validation can be tricky we have added a special message validator for that. Seehttp-www-form-urlencodedfor details.

Date range validation matcher

Added a new validation matcher implementation that is able to check that a date value is between a certain date range (from and to) The date range is able to focus on days as well as additional time (hour, minute, second) specifications. Seevalidation-matcher-daterangefor details.

Read file resource function

A new function implementation offers you the possibilities to read file resource contents as inline data. The function is called and returns the file content as return value. The file content is then placed right where the function was called e.g. inside of a message paylaod element or as message header value. Seefunctions-read-filefor details.

Timer container

The new timer test action container repeats its execution based on a time expression (e.g. every 5 seconds). With this timer we can repeat test actions with a fixed time delay or constantly execute test actions with time schedule. Seecontainers-timerandactions-stop-timerfor details.

Upgrade to Vert.x 3.2.0

The Vert.x module was upgraded to use Vert.x 3.2.0 version. The Citrus module implementation was updated to work with this new Vert.x version. Learn more about the Vert.x integration in Citrus with vertx.


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